Above is a picture of Adam checking some of the goodies at the Thermaltake Booth. We use some of there products. Mostly replacement fans but they have some really cool cases and accessories as well. Check out the fan in this case "which shows “THERMALTAKE” logo and the ambient temperature". Tim is the one checking it out in the following picture.
The Thermaltake folks had a lot of cool cases. You can check at more Here. One of the cooler ones had a cradle built into it were you put your iPod Video. It's the last picture on This Page.
We also spent some time checking out Seagate's Booth. CTI uses Seagate hard drives in our custom built computers. One of the coolest drives that they were showing off was the Lyrion series of hard drives(Link is to a PDF). They are 1.8 inches and can hold 60GB. Here's a picture that Billy took of the drive they had on display.
Seagate makes some seriously small drives. These things were amazing to see. Most of these drives end up inside media players and ultra mobile computer devices. Here's a picture that was taken of another one of Seagates lines of tiny hard drives.
The Hewlett-Packard Booth was one of the surprise booths for me. I didn't really expect to get that excited about their booth. Don't get me wrong, I love their printers, but I really didn't expect some of the cool stuff they were displaying. They had a cool touch panel that could control your home. Didn't seem very practical from a wall mount. It looked like it was an add on for the Windows Media Center. Now being able to control lights, heat, air or anything else from my couch now that's cool. Here's a picture of Adam checking it all out.
Some of the excitement at HP's booth was the buzz surrounding their new MediaSmart Server. We can't wait to get a copy of the Microsoft Windows Home Server . There's several of us at the office that could really use something like this.
There's still plenty more that I haven't talked about yet. I'll post some more about CTI's trip to CES 2007 including more pictures.
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