Sunday, December 31, 2006

Preparing for the New Year

Hope everyone has a Safe and Fun New Years. To help those of you who are planning on drinking this New Years Eve I found a link from How Stuff Works that let you know How Hangovers Work . Don't forget the best way to prevent that hangover is not to drink so much :) and always use a designated driver.

Also, I found a cool link that explains some of the New Years Superstitions. Most of us know to kiss our significant other at the Stroke of Midnight to assure their continued affections into the New Year. So you can bet, wherever I am at Midnight, Sherri will be close by, I'm not taking any chances.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Better not pout...

For over 50 years NORAD has been tracking Santa on his yearly trip. This year is no exception, they even have a web site so you and your children can track him too. I've used this site in the past and it's always fun. Get everyone around the old computer on Christmas Eve and watch as Santa makes his trek around the world. This is a great page to Bookmark: NORAD SANTA

Monday, December 18, 2006

Do you know your Map?

This is a nice little game to brush up on your states. Put the shape of the state in the appropriate spot on the map. Sounds easy enough.

Take a Shortcut

Keyboard shortcuts can come in real handy. I use them all the time. I use Ctrl+c (Copy) Ctrl+x (Cut) and also Ctrl+v (Paste) and I use them a lot. I also use Windows+d which shows the desktop. I frequently save files to my desktop and have several Windows open. So to get to my files on my desktop quickly I just use Windows+d and then when I need to go back I just Windows+d again. Back to were I started.

Here's a list of Windows Shortcuts that might come in handy. Just find a few that are for simple tasks that you normally use the mouse for. Check them all out here:


I know, I've been slacking. There's no excuse for going over a month without posting. I'll have to try and make up for that. I'm always stumbling across things that I could share.
I've never used the picture feature for my blog so here's nothing. These are pictures I took our big ice storm. There not very good, but I never said they were :)

I really liked this one. The end of that branch says it all.

TV antenna covered with Ice, even broke pieces off.