Friday, September 22, 2006

CCleaner Tutorial

Awhile back, I did a video tutorial about how to install Windows Defender. Since them I've been wanting to do another video. This time I thought I would narrate the video, explaining step by step what I am doing.

I decided to do a video tutorial on how to use CCLEANER (Crap Cleaner). The video quality isn't as good on this one. The sound isn't very good, but I think it gets the point across.

I've used a different technique for this video. I also uploaded it to YouTube to host the video for me. Pretty cool way to share videos that you make. This my first time doing this style of video and using YouTube.

You can see the CCLEANER (Crap Cleaner) Video by clicking here: CCLEANER TUTORIAL. If you'd like to take another look at the Windows Defender tutorial it can be viewed by clicking here: Windows Defender.

Let me know what you think. I really would like to know which style of video you prefer. Hope these help. If they do let me know what things you would like to see next.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Portrait of Abraham Lincoln in Pennies

OK, It's probably silly to you... but I thought this video was pretty cool. Check out what this guy does with his spare change.

(psst... Sherri told me tell you all "Stand back from your computer and you can see Lincoln's Features.)

Link to Portrait of Abraham Lincoln in Pennies

Monday, September 18, 2006

Tips For Keeping Your Kids Safe Online

This is a nice short article about ways to help keep your kids safe online. With my own children getting online more often has moved me to search for tips and tricks. If anybody would like to share there tips they'd be greatly appreciated.

Link to Tips For Keeping Your Kids Safe Online -- Digital Streets

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Sudoku Anyone?

Anybody out there like to play Sudoku? Here's a nice little online game for you. Link to Sudoku

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Camel Shadows in the Desert

Ever get email that you suspect is BOGUS? Head to to debunk it. I don't always reply with a link to the Real Story but sometimes I do. Anyhow, stumbled across this while looking around on Check it out: Camel Shadows in the Desert

Monday, September 11, 2006

Privacy Breach Affects 650,000

I know BEATING the horse... but once again another privacy debacle. This is all too common, server gets compromised, and they steal the database of User Names, Passwords, Email Addresses and whatever personal information you are willing to share. Just because you entered your information on a Secure Page does not mean your information is Safe. It might be safe getting to the server but, it's not always safe on the server.

Human Error. OS Vulnerabilities. Crackers. Take your pick. Stuff is going to get screwed up from time to time. Know the consequences of what would happen if/when your Private Information is released to the public.

Even if the information is totally benign, at the minimum the person that gets one of these databases could conceivably OWN your identity. How? Well.. Let’s see.. We Are Lazy when it comes to passwords. If you know one password, you pretty much know them ALL. Reusing the same password for everything is extremely common. We try, but in the end it's just easier to have the same one for everywhere. Multiple passwords that change often, I know it sucks.. But it works.

Well, anyhow, keep be careful out there. If you'd like to take a look at the article that started this me writing this post, Click Here: Link to Privacy Breach Affects 650,000 Users

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Oxymoron: Email Security

Someone left this comment to an article on that I was reading recently. We use email for everything at my office. Most office workers have WORK email addresses. Before you send out your next email think about this rule.

The first rule of email: Always assume every email you send will be brought up in court, out of context and used in the worst possible way against you. Source: (2276319) The seven deadly sins of corporate email

We always need to keep this little bit of advice in the back of our minds while using email. Email is neither safe or private. It's incredibly easy for an email sent by one person to be forwarded hundreds of times. Just look at your inbox if you don't believe me.

Especially in a business environment we should not send items which we wouldn't want to aired in public. The only safe and private email is an encrytped email. Most of the high profile political and finanacial scandals of the past few years should be enough to convince you that email is not always going to be private.

The next time you send an email to someone keep the advice above in the back your mind.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Best Simpson Site Ever!

I'm a huge Simpsons fan. I stumbled accross this, again, recently. Figured there might possibly be some other Simpsons fans out there reading this. There's lots of stuff to do and see. Check it, but beware it will cause you to lose a few hours of your Saturday. It did mine anyway. The Ultimate Simpsons Fan Site